I want you to know that it is okay to think boys are cute and fun, because they are cute and fun, but they aren't meant to consume your whole life. You are a whole person, whether you are in or out of a relationship.
I want you to know that the list of things you want in a future husband changes, and praise the Lord for that because the most important things are not that he loves dogs, plays football, has brown hair, and listens to country music.
I want you to know that a Jesus centered life is better than a Pinterest worthy life.
I want you to know the power of Jesus, the true power of who He is and what He does with our lives. He died for your sins and three days later rose from the grave, conquering death and claiming victory for humanity. He can redeem, restore, provide, prepare, lavish grace, love, and truth. He can take everything you have done and turn it into something beautiful, even the ugliest of things.
I want you to know the power of dancing and singing and laughing.
I want you to know that God is big enough for your emotions. You are allowed to be mad, sad, excited, frustrated, confused, messy, and wild.
I want you to know that you should eat the fries, buy the dress, say the nice thing, smile at the boy, read the book, go to the beach, buy yourself flowers, take a trip.
I want you to know that life is too short to be uncomfortable in your own skin.
I want you to know how important it is to find a mentor, for someone to show you how to live for Jesus in the middle of the mundane. Invite someone into your life to keep you accountable, to be a shoulder to cry on, a person to laugh with, a sister to encourage you in truth, and someone to come over on a Friday night with pizza and ice cream and a chick flick (preferably written by Nicholas Sparks, amen?).
I want you to know that the way you treat people matters.
I want you to know that life is full of really good things. But there is a difference between good things and godly things, learn to discern the difference.
I want you to know that we were never meant to "have it all" and "do it all".
I want you to know that there are worse things than gaining weight, a bad haircut, not having a boyfriend or a husband or kids, not having enough "likes" on Instagram, or not being invited to the party. It is far worse to be unkind, ungrateful, ungodly.
I want you to know the value in having fun and not taking yourself too seriously. Give yourself some grace.
I want you to know that life is hard, but God is good. Seriously. He is the treasure.
I want you to know that the church is powerful and is the most beautiful source of encouragement and community.
I want you to know that you are loved. SO FREAKING LOVED. Just because you aren't loved by the people you want or in the ways you want, doesn't mean you aren't.
I want you to know that I am cheering for you, don't give up, you've got this.
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